Reduce Your Energy Use During Peak Times

As a PUD customer, you can help the PUD keep wholesale power costs affordable by reducing your electric usage during peak times and shifting your energy use to non-peak times.

See tips for reducing your energy use during peak times.

What are Peak Times?

If you think of the electricity grid as a highway system, with the cars on the road representing the demand for electricity, then winter mornings and evenings are a bit like rush-hour traffic. The more cars there are on the road, the higher the demand for electricity. We call the periods of highest demand “Peak Times.”

There is one difference, though. When it comes to electricity, Peak Times won’t slow down traffic, but they can increase costs. That’s because the PUD pays more for electricity during Peak Times.

When are Peak Times?

The PUD’s Peak Times vary depending on the time of year. During the winter months, Peak Times occur between the hours of 7-11 a.m. and 5-9 p.m. on weekdays. During the summer months, Peak Times occur between noon and 9 p.m. on weekdays.

Unusually hot or cold spells will also create high system demands. During these periods, please be mindful of when and how you use energy.

Why Are Peak Times Important?

The PUD pays more for electricity during Peak Times. So by reducing your electricity use during these times, you can help the PUD keep costs down, which will keep rates lower for all PUD customers.

Using less energy during Peak Times will also help avoid the need for more power plants. Most of the time, the amount of energy being used by customers is just a fraction of what the region’s electricity generation systems are capable of producing. But during Peak Times, demand for energy grows.

Electricity providers must ensure that they can meet demand for energy during Peak Times. That can mean building new power plants, which are expensive to build. We can avoid having to add new generation resources if we lower our electricity usage during Peak Times.

See tips for reducing your peak energy usage.